Treatment of genital warts

The treatment of genital warts, which is carried out in several ways, is one of the important and necessary measures to remove skin lesions caused by genital warts, which is done under the supervision of a specialist doctor according to the location and appearance of the warts. The first step of the doctor to treat genital warts is to prescribe topical ointments with special recipes. The next action and recommendation of the doctor to the patient is to use surgical and laser methods if it is not resolved. Treatment of genital warts using CO2 laser is done by the doctors of Lian clinic in Shiraz.
In this article, with a brief definition of genital warts and the reasons for its occurrence, as well as various methods of genital wart treatment, we intend to take a positive step towards informing you and by explaining how it is transmitted and introducing simple solutions and preventive measures from its spread. To prevent it for no reason, so follow us until the end of the article.

Genital warts and ways of transmission

Genital warts are a common sexually transmitted infection that appear in the form of extra soft flesh on the genitals of men and women who are sexually active, which also causes pain and itching.

1- Direct skin-to-skin contact with people who have human papilloma virus.

2- Through vaginal and anal intercourse from one person to another.

3- Sometimes it is transmitted and appears through oral sex. If this virus is transmitted to your skin, it will not appear as a wart right away, but it may appear on your skin after a few weeks and sometimes a few months, and even because of its small initial size and the same color as the skin, it can sometimes be seen. They are not unarmed with eyes. Therefore, the necessary advice to prevent unpleasant pain caused by the spread and magnitude of this virus is to pay attention to the following symptoms and see a specialist doctor.

درمان زگیل تناسلی در شیراز

Symptoms of genital warts:

As mentioned, this disease does not show itself from the beginning and the patient may not have any outward symptoms and may not even know about the presence of this infection on his skin for weeks and months. Common symptoms of genital warts are as follows:

  • Large, painless lumps or moles around your vagina, penis, or anus
  • Severe itching in the genitals
  • Bleeding from the genital area during or after sex
  • A change in the normal flow of your urine
  • Having sex with someone who has genital warts
  • An increase in the amount of moisture in the genital area

How and how to get genital warts

You will be infected with the genital wart virus by touching your genitals with the genitals of another person who is a carrier of the HPV virus. In this case, the virus is placed on the skin even if no warts are visible at first, but it may be for a long time. Then appear on the skin. Most people try to use condoms for this purpose and in order to prevent contracting this virus, it is interesting to know that this is completely wrong and if you don’t have penetrative sex, you will get warts anyway, because condoms It does not cover all the skin of the genital tract.

درمان زگیل تناسلی شیراز

Types of treatment methods for genital warts

Sometimes genital warts disappear without any treatment, but after a long time they reappear, and during this latent period, the virus is still present in the body, and if you have sex with someone, you have transferred this virus to them. Therefore, according to the mentioned cases, the purpose of treating genital warts is to control the symptoms of the disease and prevent the spread and transmission of this virus to others.

There are different types of genital wart treatment methods that remove warts and prevent the transmission of infection, and the type of common treatment that is suggested to you depends on the location, type, and size of your wart. In the following, we intend to give a brief description of common genital wart treatment methods.

1- Cream or liquid: it is usually prescribed by the doctor several times a week for a few weeks, and in most cases the person is able to rub it on the wart, but in some cases, he has to go to the doctor so that he can do it. to do for him, this treatment can cause pain, burning.

Among the drugs that doctors prescribe to patients for the treatment of genital warts with special instructions are: Imiquimod with the brand name Aldara, podophyllin and podofilox, trichloroacetic acid, and synkytins, which we will briefly describe below.

Imi Kemod Cream: This cream strengthens your immune system’s ability to fight genital warts. One of the important points that you should keep in mind when using this cream is to strictly avoid sexual contact while the cream is on your skin because it may weaken condoms and diaphragms. It will irritate your wife’s skin. Possible side effects of this cream include redness of the skin and blisters, body pain, cough and fatigue.

Podophyllin and Podophyllox: Podophyllin is a plant resin that causes the destruction of genital wart tissue. Podophyllox also contains the same active compound, with the advantage that you can use it at home. Just be careful not to use podofilox internally to treat genital warts. In addition, the use of this drug is not recommended during pregnancy. Among the side effects of this cream, we can mention things like: mild skin irritation, wound or pain.

Trichloroacetic acid: This cream acts like a chemical treatment and burns the genital warts, you can use it to treat internal warts. The side effects of this cream can also include mild skin irritation, sores or pain.

Synkit Chains (version): This cream, which is used to treat external genital warts and warts inside or around the anal canal, includes side effects such as skin redness, itching or burning, and pain, which are often mild.

زگیل تناسلی
If the genital warts are due to various reasons such as: being large and unresponsive to medication, or due to pregnancy conditions and in order to prevent the child from being exposed to this virus during delivery, it is necessary to remove the genital warts on an outpatient basis at a higher speed. One of the following methods is recommended:

2- Freezing with nitrogen gas (cryotherapy): Freezing or frostbite by creating a blister around your wart causes your skin to heal, which, along with your skin’s healing, causes the waste to disappear and create new skin. In this method, you need to repeat the treatment many times. Side effects of this method include pain and swelling. Today, this method is considered as the best effective method with low cost to treat this lesion.

3- Electrocautery: In this method, electric current is used to burn the wart, and if you use this method, you may have some pain and swelling after the operation.

4- Laser method: In this method, laser beams are used for treatment, which makes the treatment faster and is usually considered for the treatment of large and hard warts. Its side effects, which include wounds and pain, are the least compared to other methods.

5- Genital wart surgery: If the size of the genital warts is large and cannot be removed by the methods mentioned above, then your doctor will have to use special tools such as: electrosurgery (cauter) or radiosurgery (RF surgery) to cut the wart. use. You will need local or general anesthesia for this treatment and you may have pain afterwards.

last word

In this article, we tried to introduce you to various methods of treating this disease. Since the ways of transmission of this disease are through skin contact and sexual intercourse, if you manage to cure and eliminate this disease by using topical creams at home, remember that you must consult a specialist doctor for examination. And refer to the treatment of this infection and the ways to prevent the spread of this virus to your sexual partners, so that while this virus is hidden on the skin and is not visible to the naked eye, it does not increase and spread widely.


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