PRP face

Facial PRP is a medical treatment that is performed by doctors by injecting platelet-rich plasma into the face to improve soft tissue and wounds, reduce wrinkles and grow new collagen, and on the other hand, because PRP is partially It is from blood, it contains growth factors and proteins that play a significant role in recovery and ultimately the beauty and rejuvenation of the face. Currently, PRP is used as an effective treatment for hair restoration in addition to skin treatments.
If you have decided to choose PRP as the most modern and up-to-date method of facial rejuvenation with the least complications, follow our article until the end to get more information about this medical treatment.

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PRP and how it works
The face PRP method, which is also known as the vampire facial; It has a remarkable and significant effect in removing fine wrinkles, rejuvenation, closing open facial pores, as well as repairing and treating hair loss.
PRP is known as a “natural filler” treatment that gives the skin a more youthful appearance with maximum longevity. One of the advantages of facial PRP due to the use of your own blood is that it will not cause any allergies or sensitivities when using this method.
Plasma and platelets are two important and miraculous elements in facial rejuvenation
In addition to plasma, our blood consists of red and white blood cells and platelets. Plasma, which is a part of a clear liquid of blood and contains a high concentration of platelets, stimulates stem cells and plays important roles such as: fighting all kinds of diseases, hydration and regeneration and recovery in our body. Platelet, as a small cell in the blood, contains growth factors that cause blood clotting in the body and the automatic production of growth factor proteins, and helps to heal damaged tissue and skin.
Now, with the action of plasma and platelets together, blood circulation increases and a miraculous thing happens in the rejuvenation of the facial skin, in this way, the absorption of plasma by the facial skin stimulates the production of collagen and fat and elastin and ultimately rejuvenates the skin. is done
How to produce PRP and how to separate it from blood
The first step in order to minimize the discomfort during the operation, about an hour before the start of this process, local anesthetic creams are used on the desired area, and then one to four small blood samples are taken from you by a specialist doctor. And then it is placed in a centrifuge so that this device with its fast wheel around leads to the separation of a layer of concentrated plasma cells, platelets and growth factors, which is this concentrated sample and platelet-rich plasma. It is called PRP.
How to perform the PRP method on the face
The thick extracted layer or PRP will be slowly injected and transferred to the skin by very fine needles, and many patients will experience a mild stinging sensation during the procedure. One of the advantages of this method is that it directly allows your body to absorb all the benefits of the extracted platelet-rich plasma to make full use of it.
Dermatologists use this concentrated sample containing high levels of miraculous growth factors to heal the body and strengthen and stimulate the growth of collagen in the beauty of skin and hair, as well as orthopedic specialists use it to improve knee, ankle and elbow joints by injection. use.

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The duration of facial reconstruction after PRP
Although most patients notice changes and improvements in their skin texture in the first month after the treatment, doctors recommend to perform and repeat 2-3 treatments at intervals of 6-8 weeks to achieve the desired result. Since the results of rejuvenation are long-lasting, however, you can combine the PRP facial process with Botox, fillers, microneedling and laser skin peeling for faster recovery.

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