Russian model lip filler injection

تزریق ژل لب مدل روسی

Today, various methods and models are used to improve the appearance of the lips. One of these common methods is the injection of Russian model lip gel. One of the best gel injection centers in Shiraz is Lian Clinic, which performs this type of technique under the supervision of experienced specialists. In order to increase the volume and structure of your lips with long-lasting durability, you can consult with our experts so that they can choose the best and most suitable model for you according to your face and lips.

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that results in fresh, full and voluminous lips. Currently, the most common method to enlarge lips is the injection of modern dermal fillers, which are often made of hyaluronic acid gels. This substance, which is found naturally in the human body, is a natural substance that absorbs water and increases its volume after injection, resulting in voluminous, more prominent lips. If you are looking for a lip filler method with minimal invasiveness and a natural result in order to improve the appearance of your lips with a long lasting effect, the Russian model lip gel injection with the aim of improving the vertical lip contour is the best option for you, which leads to the creation of vertical lips and It will be drawn for you. In order to get more information about this method and its benefits and side effects, follow our article until the end.

Russian model lip gel injection and how to do it

This gel injection model, inspired by the special and unique shape of the lips of Russian women and celebrities, has created a new trend in lip augmentation and highlighting. Russian lip gel injection technique is an ideal method for those who do not have distinct lines and ridges in their upper and lower lips due to age or birth, and in this way want to improve the shape of their lips vertically.

By using this technique, tiny drops of filling material are inserted into the applicant’s lips by means of special syringes vertically, with the aim of highlighting and adjusting the symmetry of the lip lines, slowly from the middle to the edge, causing the lips to become fuller and change their shape. His eyes are raised. This method, which is performed with the aim of enlarging the lips, is mainly injected around its central part to create a heart-shaped appearance and causes stretching and full puffiness in the lips without creating any protrusions (so-called duck lips). to do This technique will not take much time and is usually done in 15 to 30 minutes, but if there is a need to inject more filler, the treatment time may last 30-45 minutes.

Benefits of Russian lip gel injections

  1. Suitable for all people, even those who have had lip gel injections in the past, provided they drain their previous gel
  2. Positive effect on increasing their self-confidence by creating a natural and beautiful appearance for them
  3. high durability
  4. Increasing the volume and filling the lips

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Suitable candidate for Russian lip gel injection

– People who have never used lip gel injection methods and are looking for a special and natural change in their face with the aim of creating a heart-shaped appearance to their lips.
– People who have felt dissatisfaction due to the use of volume enhancers in the past, and if they use this technique, they should consult a doctor two weeks before the injection and use methods to remove the previously injected substances.

Despite creating a natural appearance, this method may not be suitable for all people with different faces, so the best action before choosing this method is to consult a dermatologist so that he can carefully consider the face and lips of each person. The person chooses the best lip injection method.

Necessary measures before injecting lip gel

  • The first step before injecting Russian lip gel is to consult a doctor and talk to him about the expected results and important points that should be done before this procedure.
  • Informing the doctor about the use of drugs and checking their possible side effects
  • Avoiding alcohol consumption the night before the operation in order to reduce bruising after the injection
  • Taking arnica tablets one week before and one week after the operation
  • Due to increased blood supply after injection, use medicines such as blood anticoagulants and vitamin D a few days before doing this process.

Necessary measures and care after Russian lip gel injection

  • Using an ice compress on the lips to reduce swelling and redness after injection
  • Due to the numbness of the lips after the injection and in order to prevent biting and damage to the lips, avoid eating and drinking until the numbness goes away.
  • Avoid touching the lips after injecting the gel
  • Avoid sauna, steam room and hot water bath for 48 hours after the operation
  • Avoiding heavy sports on the day of injection
  • Avoid and stay away from intense and burning heat
  • Avoiding alcohol and smoking in order to prevent inflammation and swelling of the lips

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After doing this procedure, before judging the results, it is better to give yourself a maximum of one to two weeks for the swelling, sensitivity and bruising to disappear, because it takes some time for the filler to settle and the bruising on the lips to disappear. Let its beauty be revealed.

How long does the effect of Russian lip fillers last?

The average effect duration of Russian lip fillers, which includes superficial injections into the tissue with minimal vessels, varies from 6 to 12 months, depending on the type and amount of filler used.

Possible side effects after injecting Russian model lip gel

This technique is very easy to perform compared to other methods, but this does not mean that its risks and side effects are zero. Its standard and common risks and side effects include: bruising and swelling up to a week after the operation. This work should be done by a trained specialist with experience in this field, but if this technique is done incorrectly and by inexperienced doctors, there are countless and long-lasting risks and complications such as: lip asymmetry, infection, necrosis or tissue death. , swelling and irregularity in the lips, splitting of the lip skin, roughness, lip swelling, allergic reactions, infection will follow. If any of these side effects occur, the doctor uses a hyaluronic acid reversal agent called hyaluronidase.

Final word:

In this article, we tried to introduce you to one of the methods of styling and shaping lips. Considering that many fillers such as: hyaluronic acid, fat, permanent implants can be used in the Russian model lip gel injection, but fillers such as: hyaluronic acid that is naturally present in our body; In addition to having more predictable and natural effects, it has fewer side effects than other fillers.


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