Hair transplant by micrograft method

کاشت مو به روش میکروگرافت

Considering that thick hair is one of the criteria of people’s beauty and it makes them look beautiful and young, people try to eliminate the loss and thinning of their hair by using implantation methods in reputable clinics. do One of the most reliable and well-equipped hair transplant clinics in Shiraz is Lian Clinic, which, with the benefit of its experienced and trained technicians, in addition to considering your preferred hairstyle, offers the best hair transplant methods according to the growth line and The progress of your hair loss does, so if you plan to transplant hair in Shiraz, Lian Clinic is the best option for you.
Currently, most men and more than half of women experience hair loss due to aging or common reasons such as androgenetic alopecia, and they try to solve this problem by using one of the hair transplant methods. One of the newest and most advanced methods is micrograft hair transplantation, and the difference and unique feature of this hair transplantation model compared to other methods is the elimination of some human errors and the use of modern and automatic devices at the time of harvesting. It is a hair transplant that has made the whole process of transplanting to be done with great precision and delicacy at the micro level. Stay with us until the end of the article to learn about the benefits and potential risks of this hair transplant method and get important information about it.

Hair transplant by micrograft method and its steps

One of the promoted methods in the field of hair transplantation is micrograft, which is also known as autologous micrograft technology (AMT). In this method, using a special electric holder, skin grafts are taken individually from the hairy areas behind the ears or the back of the head. It is worth it. This method requires less time compared to other methods due to the use of automatic devices with minimal manual intervention.


The main stages of hair transplantation by micrograft method

In hair transplantation by micrograft method, due to the use of automatic devices called micromotor, the harvesting process is done more precisely and more delicately than other methods, about 0.3 microns, which in addition to causing healthier harvesting of grafts. While it is done, it will increase the number of extracted grafts, in order to familiarize you more with this hair transplant method, we are going to review its steps together:

1- Hair graft harvesting stage:

At this stage, before any action is taken, the applicant’s head is first shaved, and then in order to reduce his pain in all the stages of implantation, anesthesia is performed, and then the hair transplant, which includes the hair bulb and a piece of scalp to protect the bulb and It is the hair stem, it is removed by automatic devices and surgical tools called micro-drills from the hair bank and the areas containing strong hair follicles, and finally the harvested graft is placed in a physiological serum to prevent drying.
For some people, due to having a weak hair bank or extensive baldness, the doctor can use the Scarlet trichophytic plastic surgery technique in order to remove a layer or flap of hair.

2- The stage of preparing the grafts:

After the harvesting stage, it is time to prepare the harvested grafts for planting. At this stage, considering that one of the advantages of this method compared to other methods is the repair of damaged follicles before hair transplantation, for this purpose and in order to strengthen hair follicles, the grafts extracted by the device are placed in the cells of They lay a foundation; Because the strengthening of the follicles will increase the thickness of the implanted hair after implantation.

3- Anesthesia stage of the planting area:

At this stage, after the preparation of the harvested grafts and their arrangement in the automatic implant device called micro-implanter, the implant area is numbed by special devices without the need for needles.

4- The stage of transplanting and planting grafts:

At this stage, after anesthetizing the planting area, the grafts are transplanted by a microimplanter in the bald and hairless areas. Due to its unique capabilities, this device accelerates the implantation process and increases the density of the implanted hairs, and also due to performing this method with high precision and delicacy, it causes no scars to remain on the skin.


Advantages of hair transplantation by micrograft method

– Increasing the number of healthy grafts due to the use of automatic devices
– Absence of deep incisions, which reduces the possibility of surgical risks and complications to zero.
– Having a short recovery period compared to the fut method
– Creating natural hair lines and having unrecognizable final results
– High efficiency and increase density by 2 or 4 times
– Absence of scars at the place of harvesting and implantation, due to the use of delicate devices and modern surgical techniques
– Anesthesia without causing pain and damaging the hair roots, due to not using needles and using only special devices
– The possibility of achieving quick results through the use of stem cell techniques

Possible complications and disadvantages of hair transplantation by micrograft method

– The possibility of causing allergic reactions in a person due to his use of anesthetic drugs
– Numbness in the planting area for a long time
– Possibility of itching at the planting site for one to two days
– Swelling in the forehead and head
– The need for additional methods to repair lost hair
– The need for intervals of six to nine months between sessions in most treatment programs of this method


Important recommendations before hair transplantation by micrograft method

– Informing the doctor about all the medications you are taking and any drug allergies you may have.
– Washing the head and hair before planting
– The patient should eat a light meal before hair transplant
– Consulting a doctor and informing him of diseases such as: blood coagulation problems and the use of coagulation drugs

Care after hair transplantation by micrograft method

– Timely and correct use of painkillers and medicines prescribed by the doctor
– Using an ice water compress to heal pain and rest to reduce swelling and bruising
– Avoiding any contact, touching and scratching the hair transplant areas
– Using shampoo prescribed by a doctor and not using any shampoo without consulting him
– Avoiding alcohol, tobacco and some steroid pills
Avoid heavy sports for a while
– Conducting and participating in all post-operative examination sessions as planned by the doctor


Necessary tests before hair transplantation

– Checking the condition of the blood in terms of coagulation
– Check blood sugar
– Checking blood for diseases such as: AIDS, hepatitis B and C

Final word:

Micrograft hair transplantation is considered one of the newest and most advanced hair transplantation methods, which are transplanted in the desired area after harvesting the grafts individually and strengthening them with stem cells. The stage of preparing grafts, which is done simultaneously with planting and harvesting, requires a lot of expertise and skill. Therefore, be careful when choosing a clinic, so that experts and experienced people can perform this procedure for you well.


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