Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is one of the beauty operations that has a high probability of success if you have the basic conditions, choose a well-equipped beauty clinic and follow the post-operative care, and you can achieve the beauty of your appearance with natural hair. Lian Clinic in Shiraz is one of the beauty complexes that has the best facilities and doctors, and by choosing this clinic, you will be comfortable with performing any cosmetic procedure and you will be satisfied with the result without having any complications. If you are thinking about hair transplant, don’t miss this article, we decided to talk about the types of hair transplant and its important points in this article.
Normally, people experience severe hair loss as they age and under the influence of environmental factors such as stress, improper nutrition, and having baldness in their inheritance, and new hairs do not replace the shed ones, and with the continuation of this process, after some time passes, , they become bald, and as you know, the absence of hair on the head is very effective in the face, and people think of hair transplantation to get their beauty, to solve this problem, and to get results, you must pay attention to important things.

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Types of hair transplantation

There are different types of hair transplantation, and day by day, with the advancement of technology, new models appear without the disadvantages of the previous methods, which have many advantages and a better result.

1- FUT method

In this method, they create a strip-shaped gap in the back of the head and next to the ears, which is a kind of hair bank, and then remove the hair grafts from that area and use a microscope to plant them in the bald areas with utmost precision. In this model, the cut takes time to heal and the scar remains. This method is done earlier due to the harvesting of many grafts at the same time.

2- FIT method

In this method, there is no need to cut the grafts, and the doctor, with his expertise, separates the grafts one by one and places them in a special solution to prepare them for implantation, and then carefully transplants them into the hairless area. hit This procedure takes about 7-8 hours, but in return, no scars remain.

3- SUT method

This model is one of the newest methods that has been welcomed due to its few disadvantages and many people choose this method for planting. This method is very similar to the previous method, with the difference that the grafts are made by a well-equipped and advanced device. And it is separated with high precision and there is no damage to the floor grafts, and due to the high precision, the planting will be done in a completely natural way.

Important tips for hair transplantation

When you suffer from severe hair loss and lose your head hair and decide to transplant, you should consider some points.

1- The first and most important point is to choose a well-equipped doctor in the clinic. If you are very careful in this matter, you will not have to worry about the rest of the procedures because the specialist doctor will inform you about all aspects of the procedure before performing the procedure. and considers all important matters. In addition to these things, having a well-equipped clinic where all hygiene points are observed is very effective in the result of the operation. Before doing the transplant, the doctor first checks the cause of hair loss and in some cases, he may also prescribe vitamins and supplements so that you will not have any problems with the restoration and growth of the transplanted hair after the operation. Lian Clinic is one of the centers where all these It is observed in it.

2- The next point is to pay attention to the age of hair transplantation, which is also very important and a skilled doctor should pay attention to this point before the operation. The suitable age for hair transplantation is usually 25 to 50 years, and at this time the transplantation will be more successful. For sufficient and complete information, you can read the article on the age of hair transplantation to understand the importance of the issue.

3- The next thing is choosing the right method of operation, and in this case, the doctor examines the conditions of the person who intends to do the implantation and chooses the most suitable method. This choice is influenced by factors such as hair texture, hair color, thickness, scalp flexibility and hair volume. You must have a suitable hair bank to be able to use scalp grafts. Also note that head grafts can be removed once, so be sure to research the choice of doctor and place of work.

4- Finally, it is the observance of post-operative care that is very effective as a result of the work, which we will fully mention in the following.

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Carers after hair transplant

If you have followed all the requirements for implantation and performed this procedure, you have reached the last stage and you must take care to stabilize and grow the implanted hair.

After the procedure, you may have a little burning and tingling in the implant site, so do not touch your scalp at this time.
About three days after the operation, when sleeping, try not to put the implanted part on the pillow and sleep with an open arch.
Be sure to wash your pillow so that it is clean and the germs on its surface do not cause infection of the wounds.
Do not bathe for three days after the operation so that the wounds heal a little. After that, always wash your hair with special shampoos and avoid going to the swimming pool and sauna for several months after hair transplantation.
After the implantation, be careful not to put pressure or blow on your head because the operation may backfire.

Hair is made up of different parts and many layers surround the hair root. At the end of the hair root, there are two areas of sebaceous glands and the location of melanocytes, where melanocytes cause pigmentation in the hair and whenever it is lost The hair is permanently bleached and cannot be returned. Under the microscope, the hair consists of disulfate bands that are placed together like a chain, and if this chain is broken, the hair becomes dry and rough and disappears permanently. All kinds of diseases can affect the scalp and hair roots and sometimes cause permanent hair loss.

Alopecia areata

Any part of the body can suffer from this disease. It is mostly seen in people with a family history of diabetes and thyroid, and it is directly related to stress. It can affect only one part of the body, and in less common cases, it can also affect the entire hair. This disease is actually a type of immune system error that instead of eliminating foreign organisms, the hair on the scalp is targeted and causes the area to fall out. There are different treatments for it, and because it interferes with a person’s beauty, it should be diagnosed as soon as possible. and treatment for the person.

Hereditary hair loss or common balding:

These people are genetically sensitive to the level of sex hormones. The hair in the front of the head, the back of the head, and its surroundings become miniature over time. If the necessary measures are taken for these people at the right time, the treatment will be successful. The most common form of involvement is diffuse thinning of hair in the front part of the head and in some cases it involves the frontal and frontoparietal area (front of the head). In the pathology, no inflammation is seen around the hair and the hair is thin and vellus.

There are two types of treatments: drug treatment and local treatments. Drug treatments include minoxidil and finasteride, which are the first line of treatment and require at least 2 months of treatment to start working. In women, contraceptive pills and spironolactone and finasteride help. Necessary measures including hair filler, mesotherapy and prp can also help in the treatment. In Lian Clinic, mesos with the brands Anubis, MCCM and Revita Care are used and combined with biotin, finasteride, dutasteride and caffeine solutions. For PRP, kits such as Standard Kit and Mycel are used, and for hair filler, dr.cyj brand is used.

Telogen effluvium:

A sudden increase in hair loss that occurs following a stress, surgery, febrile illness, or drug use. Diffuse thinning of hair is seen especially in women after childbirth (3-4 months later). Sometimes rarely. These changes and hair loss remain for a long time and cause chronic telogen effluvium.
Cardiac and anticonvulsant drugs can be mentioned among the drugs that cause it. For treatment, blood factors such as ferritin and thyroid problems should be ruled out first. The main treatment is reassurance, usually after 6 months from the causative agent, the hair returns to its normal state.


Hair pulling is done by the person himself, which is usually caused by stress or personality problems. It is seen more in children than adults and more in women than men. Usually the accessible areas of the person are involved and the hair in this area has different sizes. In the pathology, incomplete and messy hair is seen. There is no special treatment for these people, they are usually referred to a psychiatrist.

pressure induced:

This type of hair loss is usually seen after surgeries with anesthesia, when the back of the head is placed on a hard surface for a long time, first it experiences erythema and stiffness, and then hair loss occurs in this area. This type of hair loss is usually described as It is detectable, does not require special treatment and can be reversed by itself.

psoriasiform alopecia:

In 75% of cases, they are seen in a limited form and in 25% of cases, they are seen in a diffuse form. The most common form is hair loss in areas with psoriasis plaques. Sometimes the use of some drugs to treat psoriasis causes permanent hair loss in people with psoriasis. .

lichen plano lichen plano pilaris:

It is a kind of scarring hair loss that can involve the hair in a diffuse manner. More than 50% of people can have simultaneous involvement of the mucous membrane and nails. This disease can be seen from the asymptomatic spectrum to severe redness and inflammation of the hair roots. More It has been seen in women and unfortunately it can be very resistant to treatment. If hair loss occurs on the head and is accompanied by redness around the roots of the hair and gradual hardening of the scalp, sampling and treatment should be started for the person as soon as possible. The first thing to do is What we do for people with these symptoms is a scalp biopsy, and medical treatments should be started for the person as soon as possible.

Hair loss with lupus (DLE):

It is a limited type of cutaneous lupus, which can progress to systemic lupus in 15% of annual cases. Clinically, the spectrum is very different from a simple hair loss to redness, inflammation and itching. It can be diagnosed with a head biopsy and treated as soon as possible.

The purpose of stating the contents here is that as soon as you see the first changes in the hair and see redness and inflammation, you must consult a specialist doctor and make sure of the health of the hair.

Acne keloidalis:

It is mostly seen in young men. Hard acne-shaped lesions are seen in the back of the head. Over time, the papules disappear and hairless and hard areas appear in the back of the head.
Lesions are similar to keloids or excess flesh and are often painful. Medicines and intralesional injections and sometimes surgery are used for treatment. Unfortunately, the nature of this disease is recurrent.
Unfortunately, the areas that become fleshy become permanent hair loss and cannot be reversed. If treatment is done in the early stages, these complications can be avoided

Traction alopecia:

It is very common in the society, especially in children, whose hair is tightly tied at the back of the head, eventually the hair starts to fall from the front of the head and after a while, it disappears permanently.
The most important recommendation for these people is to tie the hair gently in the back of the head.


After growing, the hair loses its structure over time and is seen in the form of forks at the end. It is seen in almost all people and the treatment is to cut the hair short.

hyper trichosis hirsutism:

Hairiness means an increase in the amount of thick hair in non-hormonal areas and natural areas of the body, such as hands and feet. If excessive hair is an increase in thick hair in hormone-dependent areas such as the chin, chest, inner groin, hairiness is It can happen congenitally or locally or diffusely due to disease or medication. Its treatment is laser hair removal. In hirsutism or excess hair, the individual’s hormone tests should be checked first, and the hair laser should also be performed at the same time as medication is taken.

It is important to mention one point here, sometimes after laser hair removal, especially the Alex device, the hair in that area becomes thicker and more, which is considered as a complication of the laser, and its treatment is the continuation of the laser with more intensity.


Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis: in children and adults, it shows itself mostly in the head, behind the ears, face, middle part of the chest and between the fingers in the form of itchy red plaques with fine scales, its causes can be Abnormal activity of sebaceous glands, skin fungi or diseases such as HIV. This disease is chronic and recurs many times, obesity, stress and hot weather are aggravating factors.
The treatment is carried out periodically and based on the severity of the lesions, it can be local or use systemic drugs.

Dry cheek or pityriasis alba: It is a disease specific to children and occurs mostly in the context of family allergies. It shows itself as dryness and whiteness of the skin of the cheeks and mild peeling, which causes a lot of stress for the family and sometimes with pussiness or whiteness. Skin aging is mistaken.

hair restoration:

Diagnosis of hereditary hair loss is very fast, especially in men. Hair thinning along with the absence of any skin inflammation can be signs of the onset of this disease. In women, the diagnosis is different, and the causes such as telogen effluvium (hair loss due to any stressful reason in the body), hormonal disorders, iron and vitamin D deficiency should be checked first, and in case of clinical doubt, a scalp sample should be taken for women. take
This disease in women can be mistaken for other causes of hair loss, and in case of any clinical doubt, many investigations should be done for people.


1- Medicine:

Minoxidil 5% for men and 2% for women and men have been approved. This drug can be used in the treatment and also after hair transplantation. Its exact effect is not known, but it may cause an increase in the generative layers of the hair, and as a result, the diameter of the hair increases. Its unwanted side effects include hair growth on the chin and arms, headache, ankle swelling, and allergic reactions to this drug. If this drug is used during pregnancy, it can cause hairiness in the fetus, so it is better not to use it during this period.

Finasteride: By inhibiting the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, it can increase the number of hair strands. This medicine increases the hair in the back of the head and can be very effective in combination with hair transplantation. Finasteride can have a better effect in men with high hormone levels. It is explained to the patients that it takes 6 months to start the effect of the treatment. If the treatment is stopped, the hair loss process will return to before the treatment, because this drug is easily metabolized in the liver. This drug is easily tolerated by patients. Its unwanted side effects include: decrease in libido, sexual desire, erectile dysfunction in men at the rate of 1%. Due to its effect on sperms, this medicine may interfere with pregnancy and it is better not to be prescribed to people who plan to have children. It is recommended that this drug be administered 6-12 months before hair transplantation for better results. If a person has sexual problems, as soon as the drug is stopped, the problem will be resolved after 1-2 weeks. Finasteride 2.5-5 mg can improve hair in 86% of cases in women. This drug is absolutely prohibited during pregnancy because it can cause feminization of male genitals.

Dutasteride: This drug can inhibit all types of reductase enzymes, with a dose of 5% mg, it can increase the amount of hair in men, and it is mostly used in people who have not responded well to finasteride. This drug remains in the body for a longer time, and therefore Its side effects last longer and sometimes problems such as decreasing the number and movement of sperm can become permanent.

LLLT (LOW LEVEL LIGHT THERAPY) The idea of ​​this treatment was born when it was seen that sometimes laser hair removal unintentionally causes hair growth in some parts of the body. This method is performed by lights with waves (650-700nm). There is no effective evidence of the effects of this method and it is only used for people who cannot tolerate drugs and are not yet candidates for hair transplantation.

This work is done on an outpatient basis and by local anesthesia. Like other surgical methods, complete investigations before the operation will lead to a better result. Complete medical history, previous surgeries, hair density, previous hair transplants, and scars on the scalp should be checked. The use of all herbal medicines, without a prescription, prescribed by a doctor should be checked.

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Important factors in hair transplantation include:

  1. Age: It is better to do hair transplantation in people over 25 years old, because hair may fall out again at a younger age.
    Caliber of the hair shaft: determining this issue is very important, people with thicker hair can have better planting and cover more surface.
  2. Hairs in the donor area: If the number of hairs per square centimeter is more than 80 units, they are the best people for hair transplantation, and if the number is less than 40 units, it is better not to transplant them.
  3. Baldness rate: It is the most important part of hair transplant. Those who have baldness on the front of the head are better candidates for implants than those who have baldness on the back of the head. Because with the cover in front of the head, the back of the head is also covered and creates less visibility.
  4. Hair color: Color contrast between hair and scalp is very important. Brown, blonde and red hair are better than shiny black hair. Shiny black hair is not absolutely prohibited for planting, but for better results, single follicular units should be planted in the front of the head and the right technique can solve this problem.
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