Brachioplasty or arm lift

Brachioplasty or arm lift, which is considered as one of the cosmetic procedures and a subset of body contouring procedures, is one of the most common and effective methods to remove loose and hanging arms. Muscles and fat under the skin sag due to strict diets or inactivity or excessive consumption of fat. Therefore, most people, especially those who are very fond of wearing short-sleeved clothes and the shape of their arms is important to them, try to fix or treat it. One of the ways to solve this problem is to exercise. If the sagging is excessive, this method is not effective. In this case, you should look for a more effective method such as brachioplasty. In this article, we are going to introduce you to this procedure and its various methods, so follow us until the end of the article.

براکیوپلاستی یا لیفت بازو

Brachioplasty or arm lift and its various methods

In the brachioplasty method, which is also known as arm lift or liposuction, the fat and hanging skin of the arms are removed so that the arms have a more beautiful shape and form. We will give a brief description of them below.

Non-surgical methods of brachioplasty:

  1. Hyphotherapy: This method is usually suggested to people who have a history of underlying disease or are afraid of performing invasive procedures or anesthesia. In this method, after injecting anesthesia to the desired area, the doctor transmits the ultrasonic waves under the skin of the desired areas with the help of a series of advanced and special tools. These guided waves, which lead to the melting of fat under the skin, are removed from the body by the HIFU device, and one of the other advantages of this method is that people do not experience a special recovery period after performing this method.
  2. Laser: This method works like hyphotherapy, the only difference is that instead of ultrasonic waves, laser is used to melt fat. In this way, the relevant doctor shines the laser after injecting anesthesia to the desired area. The laser energy heats up and finally melts the fat under the skin, and then these melted fats are drained and pulled out of the skin by special tools. This method, which has a short recovery period, will not leave any wounds.

brachioplasty surgery methods:

  1. Traditional lift: In this method, the surgeon makes an incision under the arm to remove more of the sagging skin.
  2. Wide lift: In this method, the surgeon makes an incision from the arm down to the body in order to remove excess skin and fat along the chest. This method is suitable for people who have suddenly lost a lot of weight due to diet or exercise, and their skin has become too loose and sagging (in the term, this condition is called “bat wing”).

لیفت بازو در شیراز

Barchioplasty surgery steps:

Determining the cutting lines: To facilitate the surgical work and to make the results symmetrical and principled, doctors first mark the cutting place with a pen or marker.

Anesthesia: One of the primary actions of the doctor is the injection of anesthesia, the type of which is chosen based on the discretion of the doctor, according to the patient’s history, which is usually aimed at reducing and eliminating fats. It is part of anesthesia and anesthesia is used to reduce large fat.

Cutting: In this step, the excess skin marked according to the structure, amount of drooping and looseness of the arms is removed. When these extra fats and skin are removed, the underlying tissues are tightened with the help of stitches, and the arms get a smooth, firm and beautiful appearance.

Suture: Sutures are performed in two absorbable and non-absorbable ways. If non-absorbable thread is used, the stitches must be removed by the doctor one or two weeks after the operation.

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