What is cryotherapy?


Cryotherapy is one of the safe and painless treatment methods and is considered among the non-invasive treatments. Due to its many benefits, it is one of the methods that patients choose after getting familiar with the benefits of this method and its high rate of results if prescribed by a doctor. Cryotherapy is performed on the basis of cold and by using it, it eliminates many inflammations, pain, swelling and infection by cooling and has many uses in medical science, the most common of which is the treatment of inflammations and skin infections, many diseases Women such as genital warts, cervical ulcer and reduction of menstrual pains, slimming, skin rejuvenation.
If cryotherapy is performed in a well-equipped clinic under the supervision of an expert doctor, and considering that it has different models, the appropriate method is chosen, it will give the best results and cure a high percentage of diseases. If the aftercare methods, which are different according to the type of problem, are done correctly, the problem and disease will not return. In this context, we would like to introduce Lian Clinic to you, a well-equipped beauty clinic with expert and experienced doctors, where all kinds of beauty procedures are performed in compliance with all the points.
If you have heard the name of cryotherapy treatment method to treat your problem and you would like to be completely familiar with the procedure, complications, advantages and disadvantages of this procedure, follow us to the end of this article to find the best method for Choose your treatment.

Cryotherapy methods

Cryotherapy is performed in different ways, including:

Use of liquid nitrogen: Liquid nitrogen has a very low temperature of about -196 degrees Celsius and is used to freeze small tissues.
Use of cryotherapy devices: These devices can deliver cold gas directly to the desired area.
Immersion in an ice bath: this model is used to treat pain and inflammation in the whole body or large parts of the body, when the disease is immersed in the chamber with the volume of the treated part.

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Cryotherapy procedures

The first stage of preparation: before performing cryotherapy, your doctor will examine you to make sure that this method is suitable for you. If needed, local anesthesia may be used to reduce pain. The desired area is cleaned and disinfected.

The second stage of freezing: in this stage, cold is used to freeze the lesion. This can be done in different ways.

Third stage of recovery: After cryotherapy, you may need to use over-the-counter pain relievers for pain relief.
If you notice any side effects, be sure to tell your doctor.

Therapeutic applications of cryotherapy

1. Treatment of warts: Cryotherapy is one of the most common methods of treating genital warts and other types of warts. In this method, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the wart. This will cause the wart to disappear and the skin to return to its natural state. To learn more about this disease and its treatment, we suggest reading the article on the treatment of genital warts.

2. Skin cancer treatment: Cryotherapy can be used to treat some types of skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma. In this method, they also use liquid nitrogen to freeze cancer cells. This will kill cancer cells and prevent them from spreading.

3. Reducing pain and inflammation: This method is also used to relieve pain caused by arthritis, sports injuries and other diseases. In this model, cold is used to reduce inflammation and pain.

4. Improved athletic performance: Some athletes use cryotherapy to recover faster from injuries and increase their athletic performance. Its coldness is very effective for reducing pain and inflammation and increasing blood flow.

5. Skin rejuvenation: cryotherapy is also used for skin rejuvenation. This procedure, known as skin cryotherapy or skin freezing, uses cold to stimulate collagen production and improve the skin’s appearance.

Benefits of cryotherapy for skin rejuvenation:

Wrinkle Reduction: Cryotherapy can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production.
Reduction of open pores: tightens the skin and reduces open pores.
Reduction of brown spots: It is effective in brightening the skin and reducing brown spots caused by aging and exposure to sunlight.
Reduce inflammation: cryotherapy is used to treat skin inflammation such as acne.

General benefits of cryotherapy:

Non-invasive: Cryotherapy is generally a non-invasive procedure, meaning it does not require cuts or stitches.
Painless: This treatment is painless because the cold numbs the nerves.
Fast: Cryotherapy is done quickly, and sessions usually last only a few minutes.
No anesthesia: usually does not require anesthesia.
Few side effects: It has few side effects.

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Post-operative care of cryotherapy

Post-cryotherapy care depends on the type and location of the desired lesion as well as the cryotherapy method. However, in general, the following care is recommended after cryotherapy:

• Keep the cryotherapy area clean and dry.
• Avoid manipulating or scratching the cryotherapy area.
• Use a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain.
• You can use over-the-counter pain relievers to relieve your pain.
• Tell your doctor if you notice any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pus, or fever.

Duration of cryotherapy

Type of cryotherapy: Whole body cryotherapy usually takes a few minutes, while local cryotherapy may take only a few seconds.
Size and location of the lesion: Larger lesions require more time to heal.
Type of cryotherapy device: Different cryotherapy devices operate at different speeds.

Care before cryotherapy

• Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines and herbal supplements.
• Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
• Avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin before cryotherapy. These drugs can increase bleeding.
• Tell your doctor if you have a history of herpes. You may need to take antiviral medication before cryotherapy.
• On the day of cryotherapy, wear loose and comfortable clothes.
• If the treatment is performed on the face or neck area, do not wear makeup.

Ask your doctor for more detailed care methods before surgery.

Side effects of cryotherapy
• Red
• Swelling
• the pain
• Blister
• scar
If you have severe pain, severe swelling, bleeding, infection, call your doctor immediately.


Cryotherapy is one of the outpatient treatment methods that does not require anesthesia and hospitalization. In this method, cold treatment for infection and inflammation is eliminated. Cryotherapy has many applications and is used to treat many diseases that we mentioned throughout the article. It is a quick and easy treatment method, the sessions of which usually last only a few minutes, and because the cold causes numbness, you will not feel pain when doing it, and it does not have any side effects except for swelling and redness.


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