Cheek surgery

Dimpled cheeks are caused by a very small hole in the buccinator muscle, which is one of the muscles in the cheek. The presence of natural cheekbones is due to a defect in the facial muscles of people; But among all people, it is known as a very pleasant feature that makes people more attractive. The depth of this hole may decrease or disappear due to factors such as body weight changes, aging, skin changes.

چال گونه

Types of pits

Cheek pit: This is the most common and well-known pit. It is found in different parts of the species and not necessarily in two species, but may be present in only one species. Dimpled cheeks can make the face thin, and often a person who has undergone surgery loses weight.

Chin cleft: This type of cleft is often called “chin cleft”. It is less common than the cheek cavity and arises from the connection to the jaw structure. Since this trait is dominant, if one parent has a cleft chin, the chance of inheriting it is high.

Chawl waist: This type of chawl, which is also known as “Chawl Venus” after the name of Venus, the goddess of beauty, is less common than the other two types of chawl. It is located in the lower back and is more common among women.

Can dimples be created without surgery?

If you have not had a dimple on your face since birth, it is impossible to create a dimple that will remain on your face for a long time with methods such as facial exercise. Some people try to create a dimple in the cheek without surgery. Unfortunately, the results of these methods are limited and variable.

Dimpled cheeks can be caused by exercising?

Your answer is “no”. The method that keeps you busy for 30 minutes every day and requires months of time and the result is short-lived, if it works (which it doesn’t) it doesn’t give you the power to choose. Therefore, we advise you not to enter such spaces and trust proven methods and reputable surgeons.

جراحی چال گونه در شیراز

What is cheek surgery?

Cheek socket surgery is a very simple surgery that is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. In this case, you are awake during the surgery and do not feel pain or discomfort. In case there is a need for general anesthesia during laparoscopic surgery, necessary arrangements should be made in this regard. The surgery can be performed within a few minutes and the patient can return home immediately after the surgery. Also, the person can usually start their normal activities immediately after the surgery. In this case, the prosthesis is not used.

Important points that you must follow before cheek surgery:

  1. Do not eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours before surgery.
  2. Avoid smoking for at least 2 weeks before surgery and 2 weeks after cheek surgery.
  3. Stop drinking alcohol at least 1 week before surgery.
  4. If there is pain or discomfort for any reason, use acetaminophen or paracetamol before surgery.
  5. On the morning of surgery and even before surgery, take a shower and wash your whole body.
  6. Do not use contact lenses, nail polish, jewelry, or any type of cosmetics on the day of surgery.
  7. Follow your doctor’s instructions about oral health for at least 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the cheekbone surgery.

Important points to follow after cheek surgery:


  1. Do not use hot or cold drinks or food until your local anesthesia is completely removed, so that you can regain the sense of touch in your mouth after recovery and avoid being harmed by the consumption of foods and drinks. Avoid very hot or cold.
  2. Follow your oral hygiene carefully for at least 15 days after the cheek surgery.
  3. Use Chlorhexidine mouthwash after eating or drinking for a period of 15 days after surgery.
  4. Use the antibiotic prescribed by the doctor for a full course.
  5. You can take paracetamol to control possible pain. If you cannot control your pain in this way, contact your specialist.
  6. If you experience increased swelling, bruising, pain, or other adverse symptoms after the surgery, contact the best plastic surgeon in Tehran. You also need to meet with your doctor within 5 to 10 days after surgery to remove possible stitches and necessary examinations. Dimple surgery is a simple way to create a dimple on the cheek or chin, which can be performed in one day under local anesthesia.

When is the result of cheek surgery determined?

Generally, after a week with the reduction of swelling and after absorbing the sutures, the final result is well visible. But this recovery period varies in each person.

Suitable candidates for hollow cheek surgery?

All people over 18 years of age, who are in perfect physical and mental health and have reasonable expectations of liposuction surgery, can apply for this cosmetic surgery.

How long does it take to perform hollow cheek surgery?

This issue largely depends on the speed and skill of the doctor, but in general, this surgery is performed on an outpatient basis in a short period of time and with local anesthesia. In general, laparoscopic surgery usually takes about 30 minutes. Of course, the number of cheek holes also affects the duration of surgery. Some patients may request that a laugh hole be created on only one side of their face, and others may wish to have a dimple created on both sides of their face.

What are the benefits of performing this cosmetic procedure?


  • The sense of beauty increases.
  • Increasing self-confidence
  • Increased sense of self-satisfaction
  • Achieving a bright smile
  • Safety of surgery
  • Reliability and convenience of procedures
  • Being outpatient and without the need for general anesthesia and operating room
  • The possibility of bleeding and bruising is very small.
  • No tissue is damaged.


Risks and complications

Challap beautification process is very safe. But as with any cosmetic surgery, there are risks. In case of any problem, it is necessary to consult your doctor. These possible complications include:


  • Excessive bleeding at the surgical site
  • Damage to the facial nerve
  • Redness and swelling
  • Infection and remaining scars in the incision inside the mouth
  • Asymmetry between the two holes
  • Excessive deepening of the hole
  • Hematoma or blood collection under the skin

جراحی چال گونه در شیراز

With salt and lovely, the only adjective that can be used for people with dimples. Although dimples are not as beautiful as prominent cheekbones, plump lips, or big eyes, many cultures consider having dimples as one of the most desirable facial features.
Fortunately, today you can have a dimple on your face using facial plastic surgery methods. The dimple procedure adds a unique beauty to your face.

How much does cheekbone surgery cost?

To know the cost of implanting a hole, requires visiting a doctor and undergoing an examination. Because as you know, its cost varies for each person.
Therefore, to know the costs, contact the consultants of Lian specialized and sub-specialized clinics. You can also click here for a free consultation and register your request for a free consultation by completing the consultation form, the clinic consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

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