The right age for hair transplantation

Having hair is one of the most important factors in the beauty of the face, and normally, with age, many people experience hair loss, and their hair becomes sparse, and some will also experience baldness, of course, the problem of baldness is possible. It is also hereditary. Currently, this problem is not a concern, and with the advancement of science and the emergence of new methods, you can solve this problem and restore the beauty of your appearance with natural hair.
When you decide to do hair transplant, you should consider a series of things. The first thing is to choose a reliable beauty center, and the hair transplant clinic in Shiraz is one of the right options. The next thing, which is very important, is the age of hair transplant, which you should consider for better results. As the best hair transplant clinic in Shiraz, Lian Clinic is a complete and perfect collection that pays attention to the smallest details in doing beauty work and carries out beauty procedures by checking all the cases. One of the most important factors in hair transplantation is considering the right age, which we will talk more about later.

The right age for hair transplantation

Usually, people get worried and anxious as soon as they experience severe hair loss, and without considering the important issues, they immediately think of hair transplantation, which may harm them, and doing beauty treatments by visiting clinics. Non-standard is very dangerous. Now, you may have this question, what should you do and what method is useful for hair transplant and what is the exact age for hair transplant.

If we want to say in general, the best age for hair transplantation is when the person has reached puberty and its growth is complete. The main reason is that the person is not at the age of growth and the hair loss has ended and the pattern of their loss is completely clear so that the implantation can be done accurately and correctly. If they don’t take age into consideration and do hair transplant, they may still have hair loss and after re-implantation, they will have low back hair and if they want to re-implant, this method will no longer work because the follicles on the head can be removed once. And many times it cannot be used for planting. According to the given explanations, the age of hair transplant is from 25 to 50 years old and in this period the body shows the best reaction.

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Important steps for hair transplantation

When you experience hair loss and the amount of hair on your head decreases and you decide to transplant, the best thing to do in the first step is to visit an equipped clinic that has specialist doctors with a high scientific level who are able to perform the procedures correctly and a beauty clinic. Lian in Shiraz is one of these collections that has all these features. After choosing an experienced doctor, it’s time to go through the rest of the steps, which include conducting a series of tests so that you don’t have any problems in the work process, and the doctor confirms and denies whether or not the applicant is of a suitable age for hair transplantation according to the results of the tests. he does. Before proceeding with the implantation, a series of vitamins should be taken according to the doctor’s order so that the body can give better results after the implantation. This beauty procedure, like the rest of the procedures, requires care so that your implantation does not get into trouble, and it is better to pay attention to a series of things for a while after the implantation.

Is it only possible to plant in the said period?

According to the mentioned reasons, the best age for hair transplantation is 25 to 50 years old, because in this period the person has grown completely and their hair loss has reached its final stage, and the pattern of hair loss is clearly defined, and the doctor can easily identify the parts that If there is hair and it has not fallen, follicles should be removed and planted in the bald parts of the head, and in this case, a perfect cosmetic procedure has been performed.

Considering all the mentioned cases, the age range cannot be considered definitive and the treating doctor gives a definitive opinion on this matter and he determines whether this age is suitable for hair transplantation or not. Although there is no need for anesthesia for implantation and it is done with local anesthesia, but still it is considered as one of the operations and all aspects of caution during the operation must be evaluated and all the important things must be observed until the scar. And the implant does not get infected and the person achieves the desired result.

Important points in hair transplantation

The age of hair transplant is also very important like other cases, and before doing the work, this point must be checked and after the doctor’s approval, the operation should be done. You should note that the follicles in the scalp can be removed once, for this reason, you should consider the right age for work and do not hesitate to transplant with the slightest hair loss, and try to solve it by taking some vitamins in the first place. Lose hair and strengthen your body, and if you don’t get results, look for hair transplant, but don’t rush!

First, let the hair loss on your head be done completely so that the pattern of your baldness is determined, and then proceed for implantation, and after making a decision for implantation, you should choose a well-equipped and hygienic beauty clinic that will perform this procedure in compliance with all the points. The beauty of Lian in Shiraz is one of the best.

last word

Having a perfect appearance is approved by everyone and everyone likes it. Even today, there are many things to fix beauty defects, and hair transplant is one of them. This work is not a heavy operation and it is not particularly complicated, but the minimums should be considered to do it, and the age of hair transplantation is one of the most important things, because doing this work early is not at all effective and may have complications.

The next important thing is to choose an approved and professional beauty clinic that has expert doctors, and in this case, the process of hair transplantation is done very professionally and all important factors are evaluated before the operation. Lian Beauty Clinic In Shiraz, it is one of thousands of clinics that have all the conditions for hygienic and basic implantation.


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