Fixing and eliminating smut

رفع و از بین بردن غبغب

Acne removal and its treatment, which has always become one of the important measures for facial rejuvenation and beauty, should be done under the supervision of a specialist doctor and a well-equipped clinic. One of the best prominent and successful clinics in this field is Lian Clinic, which is conducted by relevant specialists. Lian Clinic offers a wide range of treatment options for your beauty problems that bring you reliable results by using advanced technologies. Lian Clinic specialists always try to understand the expectations of patients and by performing premium cosmetic surgeries with minimum cost, they create a result that exceeds their expectations.
There are different reasons for bloating, which occurs to many people, even thin, young and fit people, which sometimes cannot be resolved by improving eating habits and exercising. Fortunately, we live in an age where with the increasing progress of science, many methods have emerged in all matters, especially in beauty matters, and you can use these methods and even without surgery to correct your facial defects for beautification. In this article, we are going to give a complete description of snoring and the factors that cause it, as well as introduce various ways to fix snoring, stay with us until the end of the article.

Confusion and the reasons for its occurrence

The accumulation of excess body fat under the skin of the areas between the chin and the neck creates puffiness. Gynecomastia is a common disease that affects men and women in youth or old age. This problem makes your neck look bigger and even older. This extra fat under the chin can even change the appearance of your face and jawline, some people may even lose their jawline altogether due to the extra weight.

رفع غبغب در شیراز

Bloating is often associated with weight gain, and this is not the only reason for the appearance of bloating, and there are several reasons that contribute to its appearance, which are as follows:

1- Genetics: family history can play a role in causing gout. If most of your family members have fat chins, chances are that you are also prone to developing jowls. Although there is no specific gene that causes a chin, certain factors play a role in the development of a fat chin, which eventually leads to the development of a chin: for example, bone structure, less elastic or thinner skin, and fat storage around the chin. , makes you susceptible to conditions such as dizziness.

2- Body posture: Improper posture can weaken neck and chin muscles over time and weaken the tension under the chin. Poor posture caused by bad habits like straining your neck too much, especially if you are always talking on your cell phone, can lead to neck pain in addition to neck pain.

3- Age: During the aging period and with increasing age, your collagen degrades and your skin begins to sag. When this happens, the skin gradually loses its elasticity and begins to sag, thus the appearance of sagging. As you age, you may even lose muscle strength, which will make your hump more prominent.

4- Loosening of the skin: Despite having the best skin care regimen, all people experience aging. One of the effects of aging is the loss of firmness of the skin, which leads to sagging and sagging of the skin. Loose skin is significantly more pronounced on the chin and causes the chin to droop and feel heavy.

5- Excess neck fat: The most common cause of neck pain in most people is excess fat. Since weight gain is influenced by genetics and body type, if you become overweight for any reason, fat deposits in different areas of the body, including the face and under the chin, and leads to puffiness.

Different ways to get rid of snoring

There are different ways to get rid of acne and get rid of it forever. When treating this problem, you probably came across many surgical and non-surgical methods. In the rest of this article, we will discuss some common treatment methods to solve the problem, which are as follows:

1- Liposuction

This method is one of the top 10 cosmetic surgery methods for men and women, which is performed in several ways, the main goal and work of all of them is the same, so that after applying local anesthesia to the desired area, Fats collected under the skin are broken and removed from the body in different ways. In the following, we intend to briefly describe the three liposuction methods as follows:

Visor or ultrasonic liposuction
Visor liposuction, also known as ultrasound liposuction, is the least invasive liposuction method and technique. In this method, ultrasound technology is used to destroy fat cells. One of the advantages of this method is that the heat produced by ultrasound technology breaks fat cells and easily removes them without damaging healthy tissues, which results in tightening and stretching the skin of the treatment area. This type of liposuction can often provide dramatic results to the lower face. If you have good skin, visor liposuction can be a great option to get rid of puffiness.

رفع و از بین بردن غبغب در شیراز

– Traditional liposuction
In this method, a small incision is made by the surgeon, and after that, a narrow and hollow tube called cannula tubes is moved forward and backward, and the fat collected in the desired area is broken and crushed by this tube. are sucked out of the body. This outpatient procedure requires a little more downtime than Kybella, and swelling and bruising can last one to two weeks, but as a result, the neck, chin, and jaw will have a smoother and more defined line.

2- Endo RF or radio frequency

Endo RF is another non-invasive method to remove snoring, which has gained great popularity among people through this method, which is to remove snoring and help with elasticity. This method uses its own waves and due to the heat it produces under the skin, in addition to the work it does to eliminate fat in the groin area; It causes collagen formation and improves the skin texture of the face and neck. Among the advantages of this method, which usually requires one to two sessions to obtain the desired result, we can mention the quick effect and performing this method without having any pain along with tightening and lifting of the skin.

از بین بردن غبغب در شیراز

3- Chin and neck skin lift

This surgery, which is possible under local anesthesia and anesthesia, allows doctors to remove fat and loose skin and droop around the chin and neck, and finally, the chin. It is suggested that they have fallen and wrinkled.

4- Mesogel and mesotherapy

In this method, by injecting mesotherapy materials and fat-burning mesogels in the groin, it causes the loss of fat and proper formation of the groin. Mesotherapy materials and mesogels with different brands and qualities are available in the market, and in this center, the best and highest quality materials available in the market are used.

5- Controlled cooling

This method is another non-surgical treatment that you can use to reduce the fat under the chin easily. In this method, the excess fat accumulated under the skin is exposed to controlled cooling, then the fat cells freeze and die, and the body naturally destroys the dead cells. In this method, there are minor side effects after the treatment, the duration of which is not known. Patients in this method, depending on their specific conditions, may need more than one treatment session to achieve their ideal result.

Last word:

In this article, we tried to tell you about acne and the factors that cause acne and some examples of its treatment methods, but the important point that should be mentioned in this regard is that due to the long shelf life. With this treatment, you should be aware of your obesity and overweight so that you do not face this problem again with improper nutrition and overweight, and if you encounter any worrying symptoms or problems after performing any of the methods to remove the bloat, Talk to your doctor immediately.
It should be noted that most of the methods mentioned in Lian Clinic can be performed by specialist doctors.


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