What is hypotherapy?

We all want to stay young and have an acceptable appearance, as you know, the health and youth of the skin is very influential in the beauty of a person and his youth. Whether we like it or not, over time our skin loses its quality. Wrinkles come to our face and little by little the smile in the mirror becomes fainter and fainter. Hyphotherapy or in short, HIFO is one of the newest methods of facial skin beauty, which is performed to increase the strength and rejuvenation of the skin. Hyphotherapy, One of the main non-surgical and non-invasive methods is face lift, which can be an alternative to surgical solutions.
HIFU stands for ultrasound waves with high intensity and concentration. These strong and penetrating waves pass through the epidermis layer and treat the dermis and subcutaneous fat itself.
The use of hypotherapy is widely used for the treatment of cancerous tumors. This method was used in beauty treatments for the first time in 2008. HYPHOTHERAPY was first approved in 2009 for eyebrow lift. This drug was first investigated and determined in the United States in 2004. They also used this method to eliminate wrinkles in the neck area.

هایفوتراپی صورت

This method is very new and for this reason it was not approved by many institutions at the beginning, but little by little, a lot of evidence was discovered that it is not harmful, and as a result, today this method is one of the conventional methods to remove facial wrinkles. Is.
Ultrasound waves are used in hyphotherapy. That is, the same waves that are used in ultrasound machines. However, in HIFU, these waves inject energy into a certain layer of the skin in a concentrated manner and stimulate the production of collagen fibers. Collagens are responsible for the strength of body tissues, including the skin; Therefore, this event makes us have firmer and wrinkle-free skin.
Application of hyphotherapy:
• Neck skin tightening and lifting
• Fixing and eliminating smut
• Fixing drooping eyelid or even eyebrow lift
• Eliminate facial wrinkles
• Cheek lift and face lift
• Skin rejuvenation and smile line correction

Who is hyphotherapy suitable for?
People who seem (or often feel) that the firmness and firmness of their skin have decreased are suitable candidates for hypotherapy. For example, drooping of the eyebrow line or drooping of the eyelid skin is often the first sign of “aging” skin. Although ultrasonic hypotherapy does not double the results of surgery, it has been proven to be a significant alternative for those who do not wish to undergo facelift surgery.
But this method is very suitable for people between 30 and 75 years old who suffer from mild to moderate skin laxity and want to delay the skin aging process.

هایفوتراپی صورت در شیراز

Advantages of facial hifu:
• It has lasting results.
• Hypotherapy is done in one session only.
• It does not require hospitalization.
• It does not even require local anesthesia.
• It does not cause any blemishes or scars on the skin.
• It is completely safe.

Durability of hyphotherapy
Durability and effectiveness of hypotherapy depends on many factors. Things like age, the amount of skin sagging, general health, lifestyle, diet and the amount of collagen fibers in the skin can decrease or increase the durability and the amount of therapeutic effects. Results can be seen at least up to 6 months and up to 3 years after hyphotherapy.
Comparison of HIFU method with skin lifting surgery
HIFU is considered a safer method than skin lifting surgery. Because without any anesthesia, wound and recovery period, it brings a good result.
In terms of cost, it is also cheaper than surgery. However, HIFU may not be a suitable treatment method for everyone.
People over 30 years old can do hyphotherapy.
Be careful not to massage the skin of the face and neck.
The use of moisturizer and sunscreen is mandatory.
Stay away from heat for 48 hours. As much as possible, do not sleep on your face for 24 hours and do not use cosmetics.
Don’t forget to drink enough water during the day.
HIFU is considered a safe, effective and non-invasive method for facial skin tightening. The benefits of hypotherapy over face lift with surgery are undeniable. In this method, no incisions are made, there are no scars or stitches, and no rest or recovery period is required. In addition, Haifu is much cheaper than a face lift.
Most people see full results three months after the final treatment.
If you are looking for a quick, painless and non-invasive treatment, hypotherapy is a great option compared to a surgical face lift.

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