Mammoplasty (breast reduction surgery)

Mammoplasty is the medical name of breast reduction surgery, which is performed to reduce the size of the breast and improve the shape of the breast. Breast enlargement can cause many problems such as breast pain, neck and shoulder pain, creating scars under the breast, drooping appearance, etc. By performing breast reduction surgery, the problems can be solved, and the breast can also be raised and tightened. Note that some people do mammoplasty cosmetic surgery just for beauty. Breast surgery is very simple and successful.

How is mammoplasty performed?

For this operation, the person is under general anesthesia for 2-4 hours. The surgeon marks three areas of the chest with a pen and makes incisions. Then, the surgeon carefully removes some of the fat and tissue so that the blood connection with the breast is not interrupted, so that the desired fit and size are created, then the cut parts are stitched and bandaged.
Advantages of mammoplasty (breast reduction surgery)

  • Breast tightening, breast pulling up and finally breast rejuvenation
  • A better view of the chest when wearing clothes
  • Establishing more balance between breasts and body
  • Relieve the pain and discomfort caused by the heavy weight of the breasts
  • Facilitating work and sports activities such as swimming
  • Increasing the level of self-confidence


What people need mammoplasty?

People who have a very large breast size and this large size has created problems in terms of the beauty of their bodies. Problems such as shoulder and chest pain may also occur due to the weight of the breasts; These people come to reduce breast size. The large size of the breasts may cause people to face problems while doing some daily activities. These people are usually concerned about the size of their clothes and this becomes a serious challenge for them over time.
Some people have very small breast size and their goal of mammoplasty is to enlarge the breast. Procedures such as mammopexy and prosthetic placement can be done for these people.
Sometimes a person does not have a problem with the size of his breast, and his purpose of performing this procedure is to increase the firmness and remove sagging of the breast, which may happen after breastfeeding or with age.
Some people have asymmetry in their breasts. With the help of mammoplasty, it is possible to create symmetry in people’s breasts and help them to achieve a desirable appearance.

Contraindications to mammoplasty (breast reduction surgery)

If the applicant has heart disease or diabetes or is overweight, this procedure is not recommended. It is necessary to mention that the surgery before the full growth of the breast can increase the probability of needing a second operation.

Before mammoplasty surgery

Choosing an experienced breast surgeon is essential for all breast surgeries; including mammoplasty.
The tests prescribed in the consultation should be done before the surgery and the results should be given to the breast surgeon on the day of the operation.
Avoid taking medicines containing aspirin that lead to blood coagulation disorders.
Before breast surgery, you should avoid smoking and alcohol for two weeks.
The patient should take a bath the night before the breast surgery and avoid eating and drinking at least 8 hours before the surgery.

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Necessary care after mammoplasty surgery

Because the patient was under complete anesthesia, he feels heavy and confused after the operation and needs to be carried for up to 24 hours.
After consultation with the surgeon, start walking for faster recovery.
You should take the medicines prescribed by the surgeon regularly.
Sodium consumption at this time should be as low as possible and liquids should be used to start the diet.
Pineapple helps you to heal wounds and on the contrary, smoking and drinking alcohol for a month is extremely harmful for you.
It is very important to use the medical bra prescribed by the surgeon after surgery.
Bathing will be possible two days after the surgery.
Scars caused by surgery should be kept dry and if this dryness bothers you, use a moisturizing cream so that it does not enter the wounds.

What are the complications of mammoplasty surgery?

Like any other surgery, mammaplasty has risks and complications, some of which can be minimized by following care tips and methods, that’s why it is important to choose a skilled and specialized doctor who will make your breast shape with the correct surgical methods. It is also important to pay attention to post-operative care.

Skin injuries: One of the consequences of mammoplasty surgery is that scars remain on the skin for a long time, and other problems such as redness, bumps, excess flesh, or itching may occur at the wound site. It depends on the person’s body and skin type, but in any case, with the supervision of a doctor and skin repair methods, these injuries can be improved to a great extent.
Infection: After mammoplasty surgery, people may experience pain and redness around the surgical area, pus and fluid accumulation in the suture, and fever. In such cases, the doctor often prescribes antibiotics for them. If the amount of infection is very high and cannot be controlled with antibiotics, it may be necessary for the doctor to open the surgical area a little to drain the infection. If a prosthesis has been used in the surgery, the prosthesis must be removed at the time of infection so as not to cause more serious problems for the patient.
Bleeding: In some cases, the operated area may bleed for various reasons, and this bleeding may be internal or external. If you see bleeding or diagnose it, go to the doctor immediately so that it can be treated as soon as possible. If you do not pay attention to these things, the result of the operation may be affected or it may cause infection and inflammation in the stitches.
Loss of sensation in the nipple or the skin around it: another of the most common side effects of mammoplasty surgery is the changes that occur in the nipple because the nipple undergoes incisions during the surgery, and some of them may be Cut off the nerves that are connected to the nipple. and as a result lead to permanent or temporary loss of nipple sensation.
Of course, with the passage of time, the nerves of the breast will start to regenerate in new conditions, and some of these nerves will be repaired and the feeling of the nipple will return. But in any case, it is necessary to consult your doctor about this before surgery. .

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Mammoplasty results

Although immediately after the surgery, the patient will notice a change in the size of his breast, but it may take several months for the main results of this surgery to be determined by the resolution of the inflammation.
The scars caused by this surgery will disappear after twelve to eighteen months.
What is important is that this surgery should be done when the growth of the breasts has stopped so that there is no longer any concern about changing the size of the breasts.
Another thing we should mention is that aging or weight changes can affect the texture and appearance of the breasts. But the amount of changes will be much less than the changes before surgery.

Why should we use the best mammoplasty surgeon?

Breast tissue is very sensitive and if you act without prior notice, you may cause irreparable complications.
Post-operative recovery and pre-operative care are important for better results and reduction of mammoplasty complications. A skilled surgeon will tell you the best advice about the recovery period before and after the operation, according to the patient’s condition.
In Lian specialized and subspecialized clinic, mammoplasty surgery is performed by Dr. Behzad Ghaffari.

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