Laser hair removal

Before you go to a beauty clinic, it’s probably best to do some research to see what laser hair removal is and how it’s done. In recent years, laser hair removal has become very popular, and many people use this method to relieve themselves from constant hair removal and waxing. In this method, a very concentrated light is shone through the surface of the skin to the hair follicles. The pigments in these follicles absorb light and are destroyed by high heat.

لیزر موهای زائد

How does laser help to remove unwanted hair?

Lasers are actually concentrated light beams that are adjusted to our desired wavelength for specific purposes and can have multiple effects in the desired area according to our needs. The root of each hair strand has a pigment called melanin, which is activated during hair growth and turns the entire body of the hair strand into a dark color (black, light brown and dark or blonde). Laser hair removal focuses on the melanin in the hair root and acts on that area and eventually leads to the destruction of the hair root.

کلینیک لیان

Who can do laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is actually light that is absorbed by the pigments in the follicles. So people with fair skin and dark hair are the best candidates for laser hair removal. However, this hair removal method can be used for all skin types. Laser hair removal is used to remove hair from different parts of the body such as the face, legs, hands, stomach, waist, underarms and bikini, but the eyelids and the area around them are not suitable areas for laser treatment; Because the laser light may damage the eyes.

The effectiveness of laser hair removal depends on what factors?

Most people need more than six hair laser sessions to get the desired result. Some people have to visit seven or eight times to get the desired result. This is while the number of treatment sessions in some others reaches ten to twelve sessions. However, laser hair removal takes an average of six sessions and its effect is permanent in most areas of the body.
Sometimes you may see your hair grow back after a few months. When this happens, you need to visit a few more times to get the desired result. Knowing what factors affect the effectiveness of laser hair removal and the duration of your treatment can be helpful in achieving a better result. In general, the following factors affect the effectiveness of laser hair removal, each of which will be described separately:

  • Hair type and thickness
  • Hair color and skin type
  • Human hair growth cycle
  • Type of laser hair removal device
  • The degree of skill of the laser operator

کلینیک پوست مو و زیبایی در شیراز

Hair type and thickness

The laser is absorbed by melanin, which is the pigment in your hair. Darker and thicker hair has more melanin. This means that laser treatment is more effective for people with darker hair.
If you have light brown or blonde hair, you will need longer treatment time because the laser hits your hair with less power. but do not worry; By choosing the right laser clinic and the right laser hair removal consultant, even if you have blonde hair, you can achieve the desired result.

تاثیر رنگ پوست در لیزر موهای زائد

Hair color and skin type

Because only hair color and not skin color must absorb light, hair color and skin type affect the quality of laser hair removal. The laser should only target the hair follicle without damaging the skin. Therefore, the contrast between hair color and skin color, i.e. dark hair and light skin, gives the best results.
As a result, people with dark skin or thin hair may need more sessions than others. These people have faster hair growth.

چرخه رشد موی

Each person’s hair growth cycle is unique

The hair growth cycle consists of three distinct phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen.

Anagen phase

This phase is the beginning of growth. The hair is attached to the root section. The hair bulb is intact and contains many pigments. At this stage, the laser deactivates the hair follicle, because the hair is attached to the root. This phase is the ideal phase for laser hair removal.

Catagen phase

This phase is the intermediate phase, the hair bulb is no longer there and the lower part of the hair has stopped growing. This phase is not ideal for inactivating the follicle because the hair is no longer attached to the root. At this stage, the hair starts to fall out.

Telogen phase

This phase is the last stage of hair growth. This phase is also called the “rest” phase. The hair bulb is gone. The hairs in the follicle are pushed out by new growing “anagen” hairs. The laser will have no effect on the follicle at this stage because the hair is no longer attached to the root.

During the treatment, the laser hits the target area. The laser detects colored hair in the hair follicle. Dyed hair absorbs light and converts the light energy into heat energy, and it is this heat that causes the follicle to stop growing new hair, or the follicle to die. For the follicle to be inactive, the dyed hair must be attached to the root (papilla), and this is when the hair is in the anagen phase.

All three stages occur simultaneously in different follicles. One hair strand may be in the anagen phase, while the other hair strand is in the telogen phase. Hair removal laser treatment is effective only in the phase when the hair is in the anagen phase of its growth cycle, thus preventing the growth of new hair in the follicle.
Hair is constantly circulating through these three stages of growth, and after the cycle ends, it begins again (anagen) and a new strand of hair is formed again.
This is why you need multiple sessions because not all of your body hairs are in the anagen phase in each session. The laser treatment continues until all the hair follicles are exposed to the laser and destroyed when they are in the anagen phase.
At any given time, twenty percent of the hair on your body is in the anagen phase. The remaining eighty percent are in catagen or telogen stages.
That is why after each laser session, on average twenty percent of your hair will be reduced.
You will see a reduction in your hair after each session because there are a number of hairs in the anagen phase at each session.

بهترین نوع دستگاه لیزر موهای زائد

Type of laser hair removal device

In a reputable and well-equipped clinic with experienced medical staff, the type of device is selected based on the gender, thickness and color of your skin and hair. Using the device according to your characteristics has a significant impact on the quality of laser treatment.
At Lian Clinic, we use different types of high-quality laser devices made in America, and we have a wide range of different wavelengths, which allows us to use the best laser hair removal device for every skin type.


The degree of skill of the laser operator

When you are looking for a laser hair removal treatment center, you must pay attention to the skill level of the clinic staff. If the technician is not trained enough, you will not get the desired result and on the other hand, you may be exposed to skin damage.
It can be said that the most important factor in the effectiveness of laser hair removal is visiting a reputable clinic equipped with the most up-to-date methods and devices and experienced and expert treatment staff. Because a suitable clinic evaluates all the mentioned cases for each patient and uses the best treatment method based on that.

Alex Accento device:

The Alex Accento device is equipped with two technologies, the Alexandrite laser with a wavelength of 755 nm and the Indig laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm, which is produced by Bison, the largest laser manufacturing company in South Korea.

One of the most important advantages of this device is the use of original and decisive parts made in America. On the other hand, the unique features available on the Accento device, along with the reasonable price of Korean devices, have made Alex Accento the best choice for skin and laser hair removal clinics.

اقدامات قبل از لیزر موهای زائد

Procedures before laser hair removal

The day before the appointment, you should shave the skin area. On the day of the laser session, you will wear specially designed glasses to protect your eyes. The doctor will usually apply a cooling gel or cooling air spray to the treatment area of ​​your skin. Then they press a hand-held device on your skin and activate the laser. This may feel like an elastic band that rubs against your skin. Each laser session may last from 15 minutes to more than an hour, depending on the treated area. The number of sessions required depends on the area to be lasered and the system used. After that, the affected area may be red and inflamed for several hours to several days. Keeping an ice pack on the skin regularly may help. Your skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight after laser hair removal. It is better to avoid exposing the treated area to sunlight until the end of the laser hair removal treatment. Regardless of the weather, use sunscreen for at least 4 weeks on the treated areas.

اقدامات بعد از لیزر موهای زائد

Necessary care after laser hair removal

Do not do the following for 24 hours after the laser

  • Use of detergents in the laser area
  • make up
  • Intense physical activity
  • Using a water shower (without detergent in the first 24 hours is fine, but it is better not to do it)

1. Avoid direct contact with the sun for 10 days and use sunscreen every 4 hours.
2. Apply “Zinc + Betamethasone” cream (for body areas) and “Zinc + Mometasone” cream (for face areas) every 8 hours for 3 days after laser treatment, and use sunscreen from the fourth day onwards. Be careful to use zinc cream in proportion to one third of other creams.
3. During the sessions, do not tan your skin in any way (sunbath, solarium, etc.), if you use it, be sure to inform us.
4. Hair loss during laser sessions is different for each person, it may happen after 20 days from the first session or even after the second and third sessions (which means that hair loss may not happen in the previous sessions). This is completely different for each person’s skin condition. Also, if you have done laser treatment in another treatment center before, the pattern of shedding cannot be the same as before.
5. During the sessions, whenever the hair grows, just shave it with a razor and do not use bands, tweezers or waxing under any circumstances. (Otherwise, subsequent laser sessions will be useless)
6. You may see black hair roots on your skin right after the laser, which are actually burned hair roots and will fall out later.
7. Refer for the next laser session 1 month later, your timely referral will result in a better response and no increase in sessions.
8. Women under the age of 50 who have excess hair on the face, around the chest, abdomen and groin should definitely consult a doctor and, if necessary, perform hormonal tests and ovarian ultrasound.

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