Removal of moles and skin lesions

Removal of face and body moles can be done with different methods. The presence of a colored mole, especially on the face, sometimes doubles the beauty of the face, but sometimes it is very uncomfortable and reduces people’s self-confidence.
A mole is the most common skin lesion that consists of melanocyte cells due to the accumulation of pigment. Moles may be congenital or acquired due to exposure to sunlight, pregnancy, or the use of hormonal drugs.
Removal of moles is one of the beauty concerns for people who consider the existence of moles on their face or body as a kind of problem. Removal of moles, except in special cases, has a cosmetic aspect and must be done by beauty experts. Mole removal and aftercare are among the topics of this article.

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Mole removal methods

Although it is necessary to remove skin lesions in patients with advanced melanoma, many patients treat their skin lesions as a preventive measure or for the sake of a more beautiful appearance. In patients with cancerous moles, surgery is the only effective way to remove the mole. For those who want to remove their mole for cosmetic reasons, surgery and laser are good options.

As mentioned, the type and location of the created mole can play an important role in choosing the type of methods to remove it. In addition to paying attention to the age of the patient, the depth of the mole and its color have a significant effect on the method of mole removal.

Mole removal with laser

Laser mole removal is actually the best method for this. Laser waves are used to destroy or remove moles. This method does not involve injury or wound because there is no need to cut the skin or stitches and the patient feels less pain. This method is suitable for smooth and brown or black moles. Complete mole removal requires between one and three treatment sessions. This method is not suitable for very large moles or moles that protrude from the skin.

Surgery to remove the mole

The most widely used method to remove a mole is surgery. Moles are removed by numbing the skin and removing the growing part of the mole with scissors or a scalpel. There are three methods to surgically remove facial and body moles, which are: complete tracheal excision, punch biopsy and incisional surgery.

Shaving: It is used for moles that are above the surface of the skin. In this method, your doctor first applies a local anesthetic to the area around the mole and scrapes the mole using a small, sharp scalpel.

Punch biopsy: The punch biopsy technique is usually used for smaller skin moles and involves using a special device to punch a piece of skin.

Excision surgery: Moles that are flat or malignant are usually removed surgically, which means the doctor cuts the mole completely and removes it completely, then closes the skin with stitches.

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Surgery or laser, which method is more suitable for removing face and body moles?

There is no fixed or single method to remove facial and body moles in all cases, and a suitable method is suitable for each lesion according to its characteristics. The methods of their removal depend on the age of the patient, whether it is big or small, the depth, color and even the location of the mole.

Care after mole removal by surgical method

The patient should use topical antibiotic ointments in the first week after surgery so that the operation site does not get infected, and after 24 hours he can wash his face. It is very important to observe hygiene tips and use ointments regularly in the first weeks after the operation. The stitches are removed three to five days after the operation.

Care after laser mole removal

In the laser method, the surface of the skin in the area of ​​the mole will have a very superficial wound, but usually there will be no bleeding or pain. It is also necessary to use a restorative cream such as Sicamosa and topical or systemic antibiotics. After 24 hours, the person can wash the desired area. Usually, during the first 2 weeks, healing creams are prescribed and after 2 weeks, the lesion is completely healed. It is always necessary to use sunscreen.

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