What is Endo RF?

EndoRF, which is also known as radio frequency therapy, is a non-invasive and safe method, which people can get the best results from using this method without using any type of surgery. This type of treatment method is widely used in various fields, including skin rejuvenation. During the treatment, these waves from the electrodes of the device reach the underlying tissues of the skin and heat them up, leading to the stimulation of collagen and elastin production.
Over time, collagen and elastin, the two components of your skin, break down and cause your skin to lose its elasticity. Since many people, especially women, care a lot about the health of their skin and are always looking for ways to restore the youth and freshness of their skin, one of the recommended skin rejuvenation methods that can reduce the effects of aging on the body of people is to solve it dramatically, is the EndoRF method, which we intend to introduce you to the benefits and applications of this method in the rest of this article, stay with us.

This device, which is available in both unipolar and bipolar forms, has many advantages and applications in different parts of our body, which we will briefly describe these advantages:

1- Removing loose skin and tightening it:
Sagging skin, wrinkles and fine lines are common problems caused by genetics or skin damage caused by exposure to sunlight. To solve this problem, this device sends radio waves to the tissue under the outer layer of the skin or epidermis. Since one of the important jobs of collagen is to keep the skin firm and wrinkle-free, these waves generate new collagen and create fibroplasia by producing heat. Fibroplasia is a process in which the body forms new fibrous tissues and ultimately leads to the stimulation of collagen production and the shortening and contraction of collagen fibers. By doing this, while the molecules of collagen remain undamaged, the elasticity of the skin is also increased, and thus the loose and drooping skin becomes firm and smooth.

2- Destroying and erasing scars, wounds, and cracks on the body,
as we mentioned earlier, the function of EndoRF is to stimulate the production of collagen in the underlying skin tissue, and people using this device notice a uniform skin appearance. And they will be beautiful. This device has a remarkable and effective performance in removing scars, acne and cracks caused by obesity and thinness.

3- Treatment of skin cellulite and improvement of its open pores,
since the appearance of cellulite is significantly improved by the production of collagen by this device during two to five sessions, the pores and pores of the skin are also significantly reduced and eliminated. goes.

4- Breast and hip lift and sagging parts are
an effective method for contouring parts of the body that have sagging and loose skin, such as: chest, hips, underarms, stomach, knees, thighs, neck. be

5- Local slimming by removing
endoRF fat deposits, in addition to activating collagen production, is considered as one of the most effective methods to remove and destroy fats and to remove accumulated fats in some areas of the body, such as : It is used on the forehead, under the chin, etc. By using this method and without using liposuction, you can get rid of excess fat, so that the heat generated by the device causes the loss of excess fat, which is eliminated by the body’s own metabolism. .

6- Remover of skin spots,
this method is also used to remove skin spots in addition to the items mentioned above. The energy and heat produced by the device causes blood circulation in the skin and regeneration of the skin, which results in the production of collagen and elastin in large quantities, and by removing the excess melanin of the skin that has caused the appearance of blemishes, it brightens the skin. becomes the skin

How endoRF works for treatment

Unlike in the past, which was very painful for the patient, this treatment method is performed today as a minimally invasive method, almost without pain and without the use of anesthesia. Sometimes, nowadays, local anesthesia is used for comfort and pain reduction. How to perform this method, which has very few side effects and does not require recovery and rest after the treatment, is as follows.
First, the desired area for treatment is determined and a fine probe is placed in the underlying tissue of that area. During the treatment, the EndoRF device sends alternating currents from the tip of the electrode to your tissue with a frequency between 0.3 and 10 MHz. At this time, energy and heat are produced under the control of the endoRF device and are transferred to the depth of the desired areas of the body and stimulate the regeneration and production of collagen.
This process bypasses the amount of melanin pigment in the outer layer of your skin, making the treatment effective for all skin types and colors. The pain caused is often rated up to a scale of five degrees, if zero is used as the degree of pain, that is, the treatment is painless, and if four is used, the level of pain is unbearable. Most patients who undergo endo RF for skin tightening rate the pain at level one, and the rest report the pain level as two degrees.

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